Make the Physician Shortage Work for You
With a looming physician shortage, your ability to successfully recruit and retain physician talent will be a key weapon in the fight for market dominance. Hospitals can earn the upper […]
The Battle for Talent: Get Aggressive or Lose
The prevalence of larger, more complex employed physician networks is causing many hospitals and health systems to reevaluate the management infrastructure required to run them. Finding the executive talent to […]
HFMA’s Final Report on Rethinking Physician Strategies in a World of Value-Based Care
About the HFMA Report on Value-Focused Physician Strategies In February 2014, Healthcare Strategy Group became the sponsor of Healthcare Financial Management Association’s (HFMA’s) Value Project Phase 3: Rethinking Physician Strategies […]
How Many Primary Care Physicians Do You Really Need?
Executing a primary care strategy that provides the right number of primary care providers is critical to the success of your employed provider network. Traditional physician manpower planning models are […]
Quality: Excerpt from “67 Tips for a High-Performing Physician Network”
Improving care processes and outcomes has never been more important as reimbursement systems and incentives change. Your employed group is the vehicle that can help you drive change throughout your […]
Case Study: Developing a Strategy for a Rapidly-Growing Physician Network
Background A two-hospital system in the Midwest had a 45-provider employed network that had grown tremendously over three years. Much of that growth was unplanned and primarily based on reactions to […]
Building Your Physician Network’s Culture
One of the eight keys to a high-performing physician network, culture is the mortar that holds the group together. To be successful, your group must share a common vision and […]
Webinar: Defining a Proactive and Comprehensive Physician Alignment Strategy
Hospitals around the country are experiencing similar challenges with their physician alignment strategies: Reacting to physician demands instead of proactively developing strategic physician relationships; High variability and questionable effectiveness in […]