Professional Associations
Thought Leadership
The 2022 CMS Split/Shared Visit Rules and the Anticipated Impacts
The 2022 Split/Shared Visit rule changes may create disruption to wRVU credit, physician and APP compensation, and overall revenue generated.
Building Physician Leadership Capabilities Through a Physician Advisory Council
A Florida-based health system partnered with HSG to develop a physician advisory council to engage physicians in employed network leadership.
Patient Attraction and Patient Retention: Patient Access Educational Session
This educational session dives into patient access. The measurement opportunities, most impacting factors, and ways in which to improve it.
2021 Physician Network Healthcare Trends – Seven Insights to Guide Healthcare Organizations Through 2021
Per tradition, HSG has started the new year by reflecting on the healthcare trends, challenges, and opportunities we anticipate in 2021.
The Importance of Physician Culture and Management Infrastructure in Provider Perceptions of Employed Group Performance
A group’s providers will have more positive perceptions if there is sufficient management infrastructure and cohesive physician culture.
Modern Healthcare Article – “Physician Fee-Schedule Changes Could Upend Compensation, Experts Say”
HSG’s Dr. McWilliams quoted in Modern Healthcare Article – “Physician Fee-Schedule Changes Could Upend Compensation, Experts Say”
Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Transition Program
2021 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Transition Program that allows for a structured approach to incorporate changes into compensation.

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Our people are the most important part of our current and future success. HSG Advisors embraces its differentiated consulting model—focusing on work/life balance and the overall well-being of our team, weighed against the reality of lient, product development, and other client-driven timelines. We focus on success as a team – our compensation models promote client success and company performance.