FPM Practice Pearls: HSG Advisors Shares How to Make APP Reviews Mutually Beneficial
Discover ways to approach this process with a purpose beyond just compliance.
AP News – HSG Advisors Welcomes Industry Expert Kari Craig to Provider Compensation and Compliance Team
“Kari is an industry leader who comes to us with wide-ranging experience in healthcare consulting, analytics, provider compensation, and provider network development.”
AHLA Webinar: 2020/2021 Provider Compensation Lessons
AHLA Webinar: Seven provider compensation lessons 2020’s COVID-19 pandemic and 2021’s Medicare Physician Fee Schedule taught us.
Becker’s Hospital Review: You Can’t Wait Forever – Provider Compensation and the CMS Physician Fee Schedule
Organizations should shortly transition to using wRVUs from the current CMS Physician Fee Schedule for provider compensation.
The 2022 CMS Split/Shared Visit Rules and the Anticipated Impacts
The 2022 Split/Shared Visit rule changes may create disruption to wRVU credit, physician and APP compensation, and overall revenue generated.
Hospital-Based Anesthesia Subsidy Optimization
A midwest system partnered with HSG to assess their current anesthesia subsidy along with staffing, revenue cycle, and operations.