4 Key Moves to Structure Win-Win Physician Deals
In HSG’s extensive experience with brokering deals between hospitals and physicians, we’ve identified four key moves that are critical for success. 1: Communicate Expectations and Desires Early in employment discussions, […]
Webinar: Adding Value to Physician Compensation
Thinking about changing your physician compensation plans for value-based reimbursement? In this webinar, HSG discusses: Why it’s necessary to redesign your provider compensation plan; What types of compensation plans […]
Adding Value to Physician Compensation Strategy: Gaining Physician Buy-In
Contemplating adding value to your physician compensation plans? Physician involvement in the planning process is crucial. The two essential elements of that involvement: physician education and a collaborative process. Physician […]
Webinar: Physician Compensation: Laying the Groundwork for Clinical Integration
Physician compensation is an important component of physician aligment. In the drive to build clinically integrated networks, one obstacle hospitals and healthcare systems must overcome is ensuring that ALL participating […]
Aligned Compensation: Excerpts from “67 Tips for Developing a High-Performing Physician Network”
Physician compensation is the largest cost in the practice. It must be used to align physician behavior with the actions needed to make the system successful. Controlling that evolution over […]
Webinar: Accurately Measuring Provider Productivity
Most hospitals and healthcare systems traditionally measure employed provider productivity by comparing physician wRVUs to national survey data. This one-hour webinar explores new and more accurate ways to measure provider productivity. […]
Five Physician Comp Tips for Achieving Success Under Value-Based Purchasing
As reimbursement shifts to value, is your physician compensation plan keeping up with the changes? Programs like Value-Based Purchasing, Readmission Penalties, and Hospital Acquired Conditions Penalties are holding hospitals accountable […]
Webinar: Healthcare Reform & Physician Compensation: The Changes You MUST Make in 2014
As the ACA implementation continues, hospital revenue will be increasingly affected by quality and outcomes. Initiatives such as Value-Based Purchasing, CPOE, and the Readmissions Reduction Program require that hospitals work […]