Professional Associations
Thought Leadership
Provider Productivity: Impactful Factors
Article takes a deeper look at market-specific dynamics and how to develop relevant growth strategies around them.
Creating a Win/Win System of Advanced Practice Provider Oversight
Changing perceptions and enhancing protocols can greatly improve physician and APP morale as well as the quality of each review.
Employed Provider Network Shared Vision: Process and Intent
White paper outlines how and why you should develop an employed provider network shared vision of the long-term future state.
FPM Practice Pearls: HSG Advisors Shares How to Make APP Reviews Mutually Beneficial
Discover ways to approach this process with a purpose beyond just compliance.
Ease Workforce Shortages, Burnout, and Employed Physician Transition Woes
Healthcare worker shortages are being felt beyond the workforce and are beginning to be noticed by patients. Find out how to combat.
AP News – HSG, National Healthcare Consulting Firm, Expands Interim Management Service
Expanded service addresses healthcare industry stressors

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