Integrating with Physicians in a “Fee-for-Value” Environment
If we accept the premise that “fee-for-value” will be the new reimbursement model for public and private payers, then we must also accept the fact that, in order to be […]
Clinical Integration as an Alternative to Employment
Hospitals lose $150,000 to $250,000 per year over the first 3 years of employing a physician according the May 12, 2011 NEJM article “Hospitals’ Race to Employ Physicians – The […]
Strategic Implications of Embedding a Physician
Many organizations need to add physicians to their medical staff, but most find that the more they explore, the more confused they become. Our clients most frequently cite that existing […]
Primary Care Strategy: Will Your ACO Fail Because You Lack One?
Preparing for the Value-Based Care Organization (ACO) model is becoming a reality for hospitals and health systems across the country, and addressing how to react to the upcoming changes is […]
Building Mutual Success Through Physician Alignment
Hospitals are focusing intensely on their physician alignment efforts, and our firm is helping many of them with that focus. In thinking about that challenge and the puzzle pieces that […]
Trends in Physician Alignment Strategies
Over the past couple of years, our firm has completed fifteen client engagements that focused on physician alignment strategy. These projects were each tailored to the unique needs of the […]
Ten Questions for Building a Physician Strategy
Few relationships are more central to the success of the hospital than the one between the organization and physicians. And, this relationship only grows in importance as physicians increasingly compete […]
Growth Through Physicians
Hospitals around the country are focused on growth, for obvious reasons. With reimbursement increasing at 2-3 percent annually and costs for nurses and drugs increasing at 5-6 percent a year, […]