Health System Strategic Plans Header

How We Work

  • Understand the capability of the health systems employed provider network to support financial sustainability and strategic direction  
  • Leadership and Governance  
  • Operational and Financial Performance  
  • Productivity and Access  
  • Provider Compensation  
  • APP Utilization 
  • Engage stakeholders to gather insights and opinions and effectively integrate that data into the planning process – strengthening the plan and creating buy-in.  
  • Facilitate effective meetings with Leadership Committees to present findings, foster discussion, and shape the final Strategic Plan.  
  • Develop a comprehensive set of Goals and Objectives, with corresponding Action Plans to guide stakeholder behavior.  
  • Deploy HSGs Market and Employed Provider Network analytics within HSG Dashboard to measure ongoing performance and periodically reassess and reprioritize strategic activity

Additional Analysis and Consulting

Medical Staff Development

Physician and Advanced Practitioner Recruitment Planning must be inexorably linked to the health system’s overall strategy, market growth strategies, and service line strategies. HSG works with health systems to link strategies to relevant market data to create the right workforce development plan. 

Provider Needs Analysis

Assessments of provider need support health system recruitment decision making by tailoring data about the providers serving a market and the health systems competing in it.

Market and Service Line Growth Strategy

Profitable top-line growth comes from identifying and seizing opportunities within the market.  HSG works with health systems to comprehensively identify and implement strategies at the market and service line level to achieve success. 

Primary Care Strategy

Primary Care is the “evergreen” strategy – one that prospers in a Fee-for-Service or Fee-for-Value market, and one that ensures continued operational and financial sustainability through the attraction and retention of patient lives.

Travis Ansel

Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Strategy

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