The Inevitable
With all of the uncertainty about changing health policy and the ACA, it is easy to get distracted. But those distractions hide a deeper truth: many changes are inevitable. It […]
Webinar: Evolving Your Physician Network
Health systems have struggled to manage and develop their physician networks. Part of the problem has been inexperience and limited availability of management talent. Another key part has been the […]
How to Retain Patients: Referral Measurement and Management
Do you know how much revenue your organization is losing from referral leakage? In our work with clients around HSG Physician Network Intelligence, a comprehensive physician referral management platform focused […]
Webinar: Physician Network Intelligence: Getting Strategic Value Out of Physician Referral Data
In this 45 minute webinar, HSG discusses how to leverage physician referral data to drive the development and execution of strategic objectives in your organization through HSG’s Physician Network Intelligence (PNI). […]
Webinar: Preserving Your Hospital’s Independence
Consolidation with the industry is the norm and the number of independent hospitals is declining each year. Yet in many client hospitals, the board and management prefer hospital independence. Is […]
The MSO Renaissance
Interest in MSO is surging as the complexity of the market grows and as health systems work to define how to help independent physicians cope with that market. Traditionally, HSG […]
Preserving Your Hospital’s Independence
In HSG’s strategy work with hospitals, a frequent topic of discussion is alignment with a healthcare system. Sometimes, our team needs to evaluate alternative partners while other times we are […]
The Dilemma of Site Neutrality
The increasing prevalence and likelihood of site-neutral payments creates a major challenge that hospitals and health systems must address. The federal budget is one contributing factor, with the likelihood that […]