Has Your Physician Network Outgrown Your Leadership?
As private practitioners, physicians have a firm grasp on practice operations. However, once employed, many physicians abdicate this responsibility and expect the network management team to do it all. Having […]
What Your Doctors Need to Know About: The Impact of Reform on Hospitals’ Bottom Lines
Across the nation, hospital financial performance is weak on average. Rating agencies, such as Moody’s, are citing lower returns and posting a negative outlook for the industry. Why Financial Performance […]
How To Get the Most from a Physician Needs Analysis: Ask the Right Questions!
One size doesn’t fit all when developing a Physician Needs Analysis. While similar base components are always included, the scope, data elements, methodology and resulting analysis should reflect the questions […]
The Key to Population Health Management for Hospitals: Concentrate on Super Utilizers
The most logical place to begin Population Health Management in any setting is by honing in on an organization’s sickest patients. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality […]
Extend the Power of Your Physician Network with On-Site Employer Clinics
Nationally, many large employers have opened onsite employee clinics offering everything from acute primary and urgent care to biometrics screenings and life-style risk education for workers with chronic diseases. Onsite […]
Re-Emergence of PHOs
Not everyone needs to become an Value-Based Care Organization (ACO) today. Some hospitals should consider developing a risk-friendly entity such as a Physician/Hospital Organization to address cost reduction targets for […]