Webinar: Succeeding in Value-Based Care – Building a Sustainable CIN
This hour-long webinar focuses on the legal definition of a clinically integrated network, how to build a successful CIN, and how to achieve early wins. We’ll discuss: What clinical integration […]
Sharpening Your Clinically Integrated Network
Health system clients are asking HSG a different set of network planning questions in the face of today’s market challenges. Focus has shifted to building a network that can effectively […]
Five Principles for Integrating Independent, Private Practice Physicians
As hospitals mobilize their employed physician groups to effectively deal with the changing market, a common concern is what to do with the independent doctors in private practices. The question […]
Webinar: Short Overview of Clinical Integration Strategy
Managing Partner David Miller quickly details, in this 10-minute webinar, HSG’s approach to helping clients build a clinical integration strategy and its other approaches to physician integration and strategic planning. [bsmdw_content […]
Clinical Integration without Spending a Fortune
Does it have to cost millions to initiate a clinical integration strategy? Contrary to popular belief, we have clients who have generated substantial shared savings and a significant […]
Webinar: Clinical Integration without Spending a Fortune
This 45-minute webinar offers practical advice on cost-effective approaches to clinical integration. Does developing a clinical integration strategy have to cost millions? Not necessarily. There are different approaches to population health […]
Succeeding in Value-Based Care: Building a Sustainable CIN
This 20-page guide covers legal issues; the 8 core elements for success with tips and examples; and leveraging your clinically integrated network’s capabilities during development. If your hospital or health […]
Building a Clinically Integrated Network? Six Things You Can’t Afford to Ignore
Don’t underestimate the importance of these six key design and due diligence efforts as you develop your clinically integrated network (CIN): Vision & Purpose: Defining the vision upfront provides ongoing […]