Strategic Implications of Embedding a Physician
Many organizations need to add physicians to their medical staff, but most find that the more they explore, the more confused they become. Our clients most frequently cite that existing […]
Co-Management: An Option to ACOs
With the anticipated release of the ACO regulations, hospitals were provided with another reason to prepare for the payment reforms that are set to become reality in the next five […]
Leveraging Your Employed Physician Group for Payment Reform Success
Reimbursement for healthcare providers is continuing to shift towards increased incentives for quality outcomes and cost management, as insurers (particularly CMS) focus on reducing fee-for-service payments and increasing the amount […]
Growing Physician Losses and Job Tenure: Are They Related?
Clients are reporting a growing awareness by their Boards of losses per physician in hospital employed networks. With average losses approaching $200K, many systems are finding that shrinking margins and […]
Transitioning to ACOs: Six Strategies To Implement NOW
“But what should I be doing NOW?” Several CEOs have asked us that question, as they struggle with how to make an effective transition from a market that incents volume […]
A Primary Care Solution
Do you have a shortage of primary care physicians? Rarely do we find a client or community where the answer is no. This reality is creating challenges for patients, hospitals, […]
Increasing the Value of Your Employed Physician Group
Hospitals and systems have mixed results when employing increasing numbers of physicians, that according to the influx of calls we have fielded from our clients. They want to know the […]
Assessing Your ACO Preparedness
Our ACO Preparedness Assessment begins with education about the ACO model for your administrative team and board members, and then subsequently involves seven steps to assessing your readiness for ACO […]