Your Growth Strategy Isn’t Aggressive Enough
Why do so many hospitals and health systems shy away from an aggressive growth strategy? We see several typical reasons: Disinclination to commit the attention and organization required of senior […]
Co-Management Checklist: What to Do Before, During and After Negotiating an Agreement
Co-Management Checklist Download a PDF Version to Share With Your Team Co-management agreements have long been used to engage physicians in service line development and are increasingly being used to […]
Getting a Handle on Referral Leakage
How much is referral leakage costing your organization and what are you doing about it? Network referral capture and leakage rates are baseline metrics every health system should be tracking […]
Patient Centered Practices – Not Just for Primary Care
Specialties other than primary care can, and should, be included in clinical practice transformation efforts – particularly those surrounding patient-centered care. You’ve probably heard comments from specialists that they’re relieved […]
Accelerating Progress in Your Physician Network
Spurred by the need for better integration, and the need to protect volumes, billions have been invested by hospitals and health systems in physician practices. HSG’s focus is on helping […]
7 Strategies for Hospitals That Are Striving to Stay Independent
Hospitals across the country are talking about consolidation. Frequently, those discussions relate to the perceived imperative and benefits of joining a bigger system. There are passionate voices saying there is […]
Provider Manpower Planning and the Changing Delivery System
As health organizations transition toward population health and value-based contracting, the challenges in determining the right number and mix of providers, as well as the placement and alignment of those […]
MACRA Preparedness: Understanding Your QRUR
Healthcare organizations are wondering how they can predict their performance under the Quality Payment Program’s MIPS pathway. The answer is actually the same as it was for gauging performance under […]