Capitalizing on your Group Vision
One of our recent Physician Strategy News’s articles, “Creating a Shared Vision for Your Network”, extolled the virtues of developing a vision statement as a mechanism to galvanize your physician […]
Webinar: Succeeding in Value-Based Care – Building a Sustainable CIN
This hour-long webinar focuses on the legal definition of a clinically integrated network, how to build a successful CIN, and how to achieve early wins. We’ll discuss: What clinical integration […]
Patient Centered Practices – Not Just for Primary Care
Specialties other than primary care can, and should, be included in clinical practice transformation efforts – particularly those surrounding patient-centered care. You’ve probably heard comments from specialists that they’re relieved […]
MACRA Preparedness: Understanding Your QRUR
Healthcare organizations are wondering how they can predict their performance under the Quality Payment Program’s MIPS pathway. The answer is actually the same as it was for gauging performance under […]
The MACRA Final Rule – What’s New
CMS released the MACRA Final Rule on October 14th and proved they listened to many of the 4000 official comments submitted in response to the proposed regulations published in April. […]
Webinar: Leadership Engagement With an Emphasis on Advisory Councils
Physician engagement is a hot topic in healthcare today. For Clinically integrated networks (CINs), Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), health systems, hospitals, or employed physician networks, it’s the key ingredient for […]
Webinar: MACRA: The Final Rule
CMS released the MACRA Final Rule on October 14th and proved they listened to many of the 4000 official comments that were submitted in response to the proposed regulations published […]
The MACRA Final Rule – Strategic Challenges and Opportunities
Many organizations started preparing for the implications of MACRA implementation when the proposed Final Rule was released at the end of April. However, the numerous changes contained in the October […]