Hospitals around the country are experiencing similar challenges with their physician alignment strategies:

  • Reacting to physician demands instead of proactively developing strategic physician relationships;
  • High variability and questionable effectiveness in the deals struck with physicians; and
  • The number of physician alignment deals outpacing internal infrastructure’s capabilities to manage them.

The results are predictable: friction in hospital/physician relationships, financial shortfalls that have to be explained to the board, and failed execution of the organization’s strategic plan.

Join Director Travis Ansel and Managing Partner David Miller for a one-hour webinar that will inform leadership how to:

  1. Assess the relationships your organization needs with physicians in your market to support your hospital’s strategic plan;
  2. Prioritize and execute your strategic physician relationships;
  3. Assess the infrastructure required to successfully implement your physician alignment strategy.

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Travis Ansel

Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Strategy

David W. Miller

Founder and Chairman