Revenue Cycle Management for your physician network has become more complex.

  • Bigger groups increase the scale and complexity of processes,
  • Stagnant reimbursements make it imperative that your practices collect what they deserve,
  • Electronic Health Records create potential glitches,
  • Evolving local carrier determinations (LCD) creates challenges,
  • Payer credentialing becomes higher risk as your network grows, and
  • Compliance concerns around fraud and abuse importance of data reporting and claims filing accuracy.

All of these factors and the efficiency of a medical practice’s billing operations has a critical impact on the financial performance.  Inefficiencies or inaccurate billing will contribute to operating losses, reductions in provider compensation, and stress for all.

These factors – and your practices’ billing operations efficiency – critically impact financial performance and contribute to operating losses, reduced provider compensation, and stress for all.

HSG could write a book on practice revenue cycle management. But in our eBook, we focus on six key leverage points. Hit the link below to find out how to address these six points.

Effective Revenue Cycle Management

Click to view our Effective Revenue Cycle white paper
Effective Revenue Cycle Management.pdf
Download a PDF of this white paper to share with your team

Neal D. Barker

Partner and Managing Director, Compensation and Compliance