Leadership background
Michelle Sevilla
Manager, Client Success

Michelle Sevilla is a Customer Success Manager at HSG. She builds long-term relationships with clients and provides hands-on guidance so they can maximize the benefits of HSG’s data capabilities to make informed, strategic decisions about their organizations and develop strategic plans for growth. Michelle takes a holistic approach, working across all of HSG’s service lines to connect the dots between customer needs and HSG’s resources. She takes a leading role in managing the entire client journey – including data intake, onboarding, data validation, data visualization build-out, client touchpoints, executive reporting, and quarterly client meetings to disseminate actionable data insights. Throughout the process, her focus is on providing optimal client experiences.

Prior to HSG, Michelle held numerous private, non-profit, and public health sector roles, including positions focused on utilizing data analytics to enhance clinical outcomes. Her non-profit background spans healthcare grant development, health equity, and community outreach. Michelle holds a Master’s in Public Administration (MPA) from California State University, Northridge, and a Bachelor’s degree from University of California, Santa Cruz, with concentrations in Women’s Studies and Latino-American Studies. Michelle is passionate about working at the intersection of data, healthcare, and public health.

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