When health care leaders do not proactively evaluate their Succession Plans across specialties, they run the risk of understaffing, burn out, and leaving revenue on the table or worse, losing it completely. Leadership should routinely evaluate recruitment needs including current provider productivity and claims-based performance metrics. Adjustments should then be made to recruitment plans proactively for continued organizational growth and long-term success.
Continue reading to see how we outline our method for solving this challenge with our clients at HSG.
HSG Claims Data Analytics subject matter expert DJ Sullivan talks through the importance of Succession Planning.
HSG’s Insights to Action Methodology takes clients through six key steps to identify problems and create long-lasting solutions.
We evaluate the health system’s current recruitment process and identify any potential problems by asking the following questions:
- Is the organization bought-in to the process, or do executives make independent decisions?
- Who is involved in making the recruitment decisions?
- What data guides the decision making? Where are we receiving it from?
- Does the data consider strategic market, provider and competitor dynamics?
- Does it consider challenges to access as well as utilization of your existing capacity?

What data do we aggregate to solve the problem?
- Current Medical Group Inventory: Assess the current employed medical group inventory, including age details and productivity levels.
- Productivity Metrics: Evaluate productivity levels using work RVUs (Relative Value Units) as a proxy for access.

How do we structure and apply our expertise?
- HSG recommends a front-end assessment followed by annual updates of the underlying data sets to ensure data is utilized timely, and productivity measures and comparisons are continually tracked.
- Pricing is project-based with an optional project-based annual update.

How do we extract information from the data?
- Benchmarking: Compare productivity metrics against industry standards.
- FTE Allocations: Consider appropriate Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) allocations for each specialty.
- Age and Productivity: Apply age details to productivity benchmarks to understand the impact of aging providers on capacity.
- Capacity Evaluation: Analyze the current capacity within the network, focusing on specific specialties like general cardiologists.

When and how do you receive solutions?
- Initial Assessment Comprehensive Report with detailed analytics by specialty, market, practice, and provider type for the health system, published in PDF format
- Interactive Provider Need Succession Planning Analytics and Recommendations, published through HSG Dashboard to enable health systems to access their market and provider data on an ongoing basis for future analyses

What expertise do we apply to find a solution?
- Benchmarking and Analysis: Discussions will take pace around data elements, Medicare Physician Fee Schedule utilization by health system, and other detailed data questions may be required to optimize the analysis.

How do we provide ongoing support to your organization?
- Interactive HSG Dashboard: Utilize interactive dashboards for ongoing evaluation and updates, allowing for real-time adjustments to your strategy.
- Annual Review: Conduct annual reviews to reassess productivity and succession planning needs.
For many partner health systems, HSG provides ongoing assistance with other key metrics to build out a more robust system view, including:
- Employed group operational performance by practice and provider
- Comprehensive supply and demand estimates by geography and specialty Market-based analytics (medical group leakage, outpatient share capture, etc.)
- Market-based analytics (medical group leakage, outpatient share capture, etc.)
When you’re ready to take the next steps for your network, reach out to DJ Sullivan to start the conversation.