HSG Advisors_Peak Performance_Enabling Clinicians to Practice at the Top of Their License

Rare is the nurse or physician who does not cherish to be challenged every day to the full extent of their education and experience in service of their patients’ well-being.

The opportunity to focus that skill on helping people is why most clinicians went into healthcare. They can perform at their best if they’re unencumbered by peripheral tasks that distract from clinical decision-making and direct care. These distractions can erode morale and cause burnout. 

As healthcare organizations saw before the COVID-19 pandemic and are feeling more sharply now, “nurses and other clinicians become scarce when they don’t feel valued,” says Terrence R. McWilliams, MD, FAAFP, director and chief clinical consultant with HSG Advisors, Louisville, Ky. For this reason, “we need to utilize all our support staff at the top of their capabilities to allow our clinicians to practice at the top of theirs.” 

Click here to read the entire article on Healthcare Executive.

Terrence R. McWilliams, MD, MSJ, FAAFP

Chief Clinical Officer and Managing Director, Employed Provider Networks