In January 2023, HSG Advisors (HSG) launched its “2023 Provider Compensation Survey,” designed to gather insight into factors that are driving some of the values seen in the industry benchmarks, determine environmental changes affecting provider compensation, and solicit perspectives on compensation structure.

Of our survey respondents, over 70% indicated that wRVUs play a role in determining some portion of their providers’ compensation. These respondents indicated that the predominant compensation model in their organization is: Straight wRVU productivity (15%), Base + wRVU productivity incentives (27%), or Base + wRVU productivity incentives + non-productivity incentives (27%). Consequently, for most of those responding to the survey, wRVU production is a significant contributing component of provider compensation.

Click here to access the article on wRVU Production Incentives, as first shared with AAPCP.

Neal D. Barker

Partner and Managing Director, Compensation and Compliance

Terrence R. McWilliams, MD, MSJ, FAAFP

Chief Clinical Officer and Managing Director, Employed Provider Networks