MSSP ACOs offer hospitals an ideal vehicle for preparing for risk-based reimbursement. Here’s what you need to know to get yours started in 2017.


Time’s a wastin’, if you’re planning to jump start your journey to risk-based reimbursement through a Medicare Shared Savings Program ACO next year. Your Notice of Intent to apply is due in May and you must complete your application by early August.

Presented by HSG’s Managing Partner David Miller and Senior Value-Based Care Advisor Walter Hankwitz, this one-hour webinar covers:

  • The changes in provider reimbursement responsible for making clinical integration a front-burner issue in 2016
  • Why MSSP ACOs offer hospitals an ideal vehicle for preparing for risk-based reimbursement
  • How MSSP ACOs help build a strong foundation for clinical integration
  • MSSP ACO CMS application filing requirements and timeline

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David W. Miller

Founder and Chairman