Are Losses On Your Employed Network Unbalancing Your Budget?
Many healthcare executives are struggling to define an appropriate level of subsidy for their employed physician network finances.
5 Common Physician Network Revenue Cycle Missteps
Physician network revenue cycle is usually lacking dedicated resources in its revenue cycle function. Here are 5 common missteps that clients make as they set up these large multispecialty networks.
Can Your Referral Data Platform Answer These Questions?
Client frustration with data platforms that do not produce useable information led HSG to build a system that gives more precise patient flow information.
Independent Physician Practices and COVID-19: What’s a Health System to do?
In times of need, independent physician practices often turn to their local health systems for support. We anticipate the COVID-19 pandemic will be no different.
APP Collaboration and Physician Compensation
Advanced Practice Provider (APP) collaboration presents a spectrum of physician involvement that varies according to experience. The effort required to fulfill these expectations should be appropriately recognized in the physician compensation model.
ACHE – Managing COVID-19: Physician Leadership Priorities for Employed Physician Networks
The immediate impact of COVID-19 is being felt daily by health systems. Having a proactive plan with engaged physician leaders is the only way to succeed.
Independent Physician Practices: COVID-19 Stimulus Acts Unlikely to Be a Panacea
Health systems must be proactive in addressing independent physician practices impacted by the COVID-19 to ensure services are not disrupted once routine and elective care again becomes a reality.